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The Voice From Foot to Head


In this session Jennie explores the anatomical relationships throughout the whole body that support optimal breath and vocal mechanics – and explains how to integrate these concepts into dynamic vocalizing.

This is a single presentation recording from the live Focus On: The Body and the Singer event held on June 27th 2022

The Focus On series is an in-depth look at topics relevant to singing teachers. Delivered by industry experts and experienced pedagogues. 

Also available as part of a bundle package with the whole day of recordings.

Please read our Digital Purchase Policy before buying.

In this session Jennie explores the anatomical relationships throughout the whole body that support optimal breath and vocal mechanics – and explains how to integrate these concepts into dynamic vocalizing. This session will give you a clearer understanding of the myofascial system and kinetic chain that connect foot placement and whole body alignment to voice production. Learn also about optimal breath mechanics and the dual action of muscles for breath and postural control.

About Jennie Morton

After a long performing career as a ballet dancer, West End musical theatre performer, and lead singer of a London big band, Jennie is now a Clinical Osteopath specialising in Performing Arts Medicine. She provides treatment for musculoskeletal, neuro-biological, and psycho-physiological issues from her base in Los Angeles. She also works as a performance coach for singers and actors, focusing on anatomical efficiency, the embodiment of artistry, movement education, and rehabilitation from vocal injury. Jennie co-created the MSc in Performing Arts Medicine at University College, London, and lectures internationally to artists, arts educators, and healthcare professionals on the subject of performance-related injuries. She is the author of three books: The Authentic Performer: Wearing A Mask And The Effect On Health; The Embodied Dancer: A Guide To Optimal Performance; and Dancing Longer, Dancing Stronger. Her website contains many of her published articles and educational resources, as well as links to her online courses on a range of health topics.


Please note that this video and the presenters involved do not provide medical advice. The content in this video and on this website is intended for informational purposes only. It is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Never ignore professional medical advice when seeking treatment because of something you have read, heard or watched on the Site. If you believe you have a medical emergency, immediately call your doctor or emergency service.

Get value for money by purchasing the whole event bundle! Click HERE to find out about the other topics presented on the day

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