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The Breath Inside and Out: Mechanics and Physiology



This is a single presentation recording from the live Focus On: Breathing event held on February 11th 2022

The Focus On series is an in-depth look at topics relevant to singing teachers. Delivered by industry experts and experienced pedagogues. 

Also available as part of a bundle package with the whole day of recordings.

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During this lecture, we will explore how breath mechanics, physics and physiology collaborate in order to make voice not only possible, but sustainable and efficient. We will also look at basic physiological processes that have yet to be thoroughly assessed but which already give us a lot of ‘food for thought’ in combination with our vocal performance.


Barbara TanzeBarbara Tanze has many years of experience as a soloist on the opera stage, as well as in concert singing and acting for different productions around Europe, which she still continues to this day. She earned her Level 1 degree in Breathing Coordination after the principles of Lynn Martin and Robin de Haas (MDH) in 2014 and is an advanced certified practitioner (Level 2) since 2016. In addition to her extensive studies of MDH Breathing Coordination, she continuously completes other training programmes, such as the Foundations in Myofascial Release and Laryngeal Massage by Walt Fritz, the Neuro-Vocal Method by Meredith Colby, the Art of Breath program by Brian Mackenzie and Rob Wilson of PowerSpeedEndurance and the Skill of Stress training by Emily Hightower.  In addition to her work with singers, Barbara has been pursuing extensive research in the field of optimal breathing for athletes and the effects of efficient Breathing Coordination on athletic performance. She has been working on breath mechanics, CO2 tolerance training and nasal breathing development with amateur and professional athletes as well as Olympians since 2016. 


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