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Yoga in the Voice Studio


In this video Rosie delves into how simple yoga techniques can support singers in the studio. This session looks at the parallels between yoga and singing, exploring the benefits and connections between the two, the outcome being embodied voicework.

This is a single presentation recording from the live Focus On: The Body and the Singer event held on June 27th 2022

The Focus On series is an in-depth look at topics relevant to singing teachers. Delivered by industry experts and experienced pedagogues. 

Also available as part of a bundle package with the whole day of recordings.

Please read our Digital Purchase Policy before buying.

Rosie delves into how simple yoga techniques can support singers in the studio. This session looks at the parallels between yoga and singing, exploring the benefits and connections between the two, the outcome being embodied voicework. We explore some yoga postures and techniques that may help singers with common issues such as breath support, alignment, nerves or tension. The session will give you some tools and new approaches to your own singing practice or work with your students, considering the voice as a whole instrument. There will also be a practical element where we try some of these postures and techniques, so hopefully, you will leave feeling released and ready for the rest of the day!

About Rosie Secker

Rosie trained with the vocal department at The Royal Birmingham Conservatoire, graduating with a First Class BMus (Hons). She went on to pursue a Master of Arts at Mountview Academy of Theatre Arts and since graduating has led a successful portfolio career as a singing teacher, holistic voice teacher and performer.

As a singing teacher, Rosie has worked in a variety of contexts with different colleges, ensembles, age groups and abilities. She currently teaches at Bird College (Conservatoire of Dance & Musical Theatre) on the Degree and Diploma courses, and teaches singing at Lewes Old Grammar School, also running three choirs. Rosie has completed Estill Levels 1&2, is a Certified Vocal Health First Aider and is hoping to become a Vocal Rehabilitation Professional. Rosie is also a Certified 500hr Yoga Teacher, Certified Vocal Yoga Teacher and runs her own Vox Yoga workshops for organisations and individuals.

Rosie works with singers to find their own unique voice, and sing with ease and confidence. Vox Yoga is a holistic approach to voice training, considering the voice as a whole instrument. Exploring the connection between body, breath, mind and voice, allows a singer to embody their performance and sing in a healthy and expressive way.


Instagram: @rosieseckervoice


Please note that this video and the presenters involved do not provide medical advice. The content in this video and on this website is intended for informational purposes only. It is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Never ignore professional medical advice when seeking treatment because of something you have read, heard or watched on the Site. If you believe you have a medical emergency, immediately call your doctor or emergency service.

Get value for money by purchasing the whole event bundle! Click HERE to find out about the other topics presented on the day

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