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Episode 193

How much do you really know about your tongue? Could a simple touch or stretch transform your vocal performance? In this episode, we reconnect with manual therapist Walt Fritz to explore the fascinating world of tongue awareness, self-stretching techniques, and how understanding sensation and shared decision making in the studio can reshape singing. 



2:45 – Are humans just wonky?  

4:02 – What is the power of shared decision making?  

7:24 – How do singers describe pain, fatigue and tension?  

11:30 – How do we know when awareness has improved?  

23:14 – How do we know when the tongue is functioning well?  

26:15 – What does the size and shape of a tongue imply?  

35:32 – What materials do we need for stretching the tongue?  

42:35 – A guiding in tongue exercise and stretch  


About the presenter click HERE



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Walt Fritz, PT, has worked as an educator in the manual therapy field since the mid-1990s and expanded into voice, swallowing, oral motor, and airway issues in 2013. He is considered a content expert and teaches his Foundations in Manual Therapy: Voice and Swallowing Disorders internationally. Though manual therapy is typically described as a passive modality that remediates local tissue-based problems, Walt has evolved manual therapy explanations to be seen as another form of communication. His workshops challenge learners to look beyond what they were taught and know the potential of multifactorial impacts and drivers throughout the therapeutic process. Walt’s approach leans strongly on shared decision-making instead of one-sided clinician perspectives, with the principles embodied in his approach applicable across the spectrum of therapeutic models.  


In addition to teaching, Walt maintains a private practice in Upstate New York. 


Walt is the author of the book, “Manual Therapy in Voice and Swallowing: A Person-Centered Approach,” and is a contributing author to the forthcoming book, “The Oxford Handbook of Voice Pedagogy” and “The Vocal Athlete.” Walt recently published the paper “The mechanism of action for laryngeal manual therapies: the need for an update.” 



Instagram: @waltfritzpt 
