Teaching strategies

Performance Anxiety

Focus On: Performance Anxiety and Mindset

Don’t miss BAST Training’s one-day special event, Focus On: Performance Anxiety and Mindset. It’s a chance to learn new ways to diagnose and support singers with performance anxiety.

premenstrual voice

Singing and the premenstrual voice

How does menstruation impact a singer’s voice? Alexa Terry and Line Hilton explore how monthly hormonal changes can influence vocal performance.

So You Want to Sing CCM

Book review: So You Want to Sing CCM

If you want to learn from some of contemporary singing’s leading vocal pedagogues, grab yourself a copy of So You Want to Sing CCM.

Singing and long covid

Can singing help people living with ‘long Covid’?

Can choir leaders use Singing for Lung Health strategies to help people with long Covid? Musical director Juliet Russell explored this question in a singing project with Covid ‘long haulers’.

Teacher and student dynamic

What to do when you just don’t gel with a student

What happens when a singing teacher and pupil just don’t gel? In the latest in our Difficult Conversations series, ALEXA TERRY looks at what vocal coaches can do if the teacher-student dynamic doesn’t seem to be working.

ear training for beginners

Ear training for beginners

Ear training is a great way to help singers with pitching issues. Top vocal coach Nerissa Campbell shares her tips on how to get started with beginners. As an experienced vocal coach, New York-based Nerissa Campbell has helped many students improve their pitch.… Read More »Ear training for beginners