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In this podcast Line Hilton talks to Laurel Irene and Dr David Harris from VoiceScienceWorks. These two met several years ago on Dr Ingo Titze’s Summer Vocology Institute at the National Center for Voice & Speech and have not been apart since! 

In the beginning, like many singers and singing teachers, they struggled to translate scientific knowledge into practical strategies for their voices and the voices of those that they worked with. So they set about to unravel the complexities of voice science into a singer-friendly language. They have also been developing practical tools and strategies that work whether or not you understand the science behind it.

Laurel and David love sharing their knowledge and understanding of voice science and helping others to understand the power of this knowledge. They work with singers online and in person, and take their educational programme on the road.

In this podcast, we find out how they got into the science, how it helps them in their work and what’s in store for their up-and-coming VSW European 2019 tour.


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