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singing teacher training


Ep.154 Managing Imposter Syndrome, Low Confidence and Overwhelm as Singing Teachers with Alexa Terry

In this solo episode, Alexa dives into the common struggles of imposter syndrome, low confidence, and feeling overwhelmed that many singing teachers face. As an experienced voice instructor and singer herself, Alexa shares personal stories and insights on managing these… Read More »Ep.154 Managing Imposter Syndrome, Low Confidence and Overwhelm as Singing Teachers with Alexa Terry

Achieve your 2021 goals

How to make your 2021 goals a reality

2020 has been bonkers, but the New Year is just around the corner. While we may not be able to welcome it with tight hugs and wet kisses, we can make a start on our 2021 teaching goals.

Why I became a singing teacher: Line Hilton

As with many singers I started off believing I was going to “be famous”. It was a very vague and undefined goal, and given that I started as a clarinetist and ended up choosing the jazz route I was unlikely to be able to attain the kind of commercial success that a pop/rock singer might do.