Can Kinesio Tape Help Singers with Injuries? ⏱ 2 Mins
Kinesio tape is a common sight on the arms, knees and shoulders of elite athletes, but could it also be beneficial for singers?
Kinesio tape is a common sight on the arms, knees and shoulders of elite athletes, but could it also be beneficial for singers?
By becoming a holistic singing teacher, you’ll be better equipped to identify the physical, mental and technical causes of vocal problems. Top vocal coach Line Hilton is a big believer in taking a holistic approach in the singing studio. A… Read More »Seven Ways to Become a More Holistic Singing Teacher ⏱ 3 Mins
How can teachers help transmasculine students who are taking testosterone adapt to singing voice changes? Here’s some helpful advice.
Take control of your finances and avoid a deadline day meltdown by following these self-assessment tax return tips.
Learn everything you need to know about acid reflux and singing from top laryngologist Dr Reena Gupta.
Professor Ken Bozeman says we should ‘stop dissing subjectivity’ when it comes to the singing terminology we use in the studio.
Vocal self-massage can be beneficial to a singer – but only if it’s done safely. Here’s what you need to know before getting started.
Here’s what voice guru Dr Ingo Titze thinks you should know about semi-occluded vocal tract exercises (SOVTs). Many singers include SOVTs in their practice regimes to improve balance and stamina. From lip trills, vocalising with puffy cheeks and singing through… Read More »Five Things You Need to Know About SOVTs, According to Dr Ingo Titze ⏱ 3 Mins
Gestures can be a powerful way to maximise learning in the singing studio. Vocal coach and researcher Heather Baker explains why. Using hand gestures and body language to direct singers is not a new concept. Just think of how musical… Read More »Four Gestures to Help Singers Learn Faster and More Effectively ⏱ 2 Mins
Are vocal hacks the solution to singing problems, or do they store up issues for later? We asked an expert.
How can the iconic words of Brad Pitt in the film Fight Club help singing teachers address tongue tension? Read on to find out.
How can teachers help self-conscious singers overcome worries about their appearance when performing? Becky Gilhespie shares her thoughts.
Want to boost your belt, transform your transition or add some va va voom to your vibrato? Check out these must-listen podcast interviews on vocal technique.
Cognitive neuroscientist and music teacher Molly Gebrian says talent is not the key to success. What really matters is desire and hard work.
Take a deep dive into the roots of folk music and discover how singers can get started with this enduring music genre.
Running your own singing studio doesn’t have to be a solo slog. By joining a professional network, you’ll get access to advice and learning opportunities.
Tread carefully when advising a singer to see an ENT by following these easy tips.
Learn how PACE, a trauma-informed strategy that psychologists use, could help you reach out to struggling students.
Use these everyday household items as props in your singing lessons for quick results and happy, engaged students.
Feel more at ease and focused when you’re teaching by following these helpful piano accompaniment tips.